Take control of your business


Where are you located?

We’re located in St. Anthony, Minnesota - about 10 minutes from downtown Minneapolis.

Will this require a significant investment to get this started?

We’ll first look at managing cash flow to make this possible

Will this require a lot of our time to get you the information that you need?  

Most of the reports should be a quick export out of QuickBooks, Netsuite, or other accounting software, once we get the method down it will be easy. We will include the path and instructions for the process with each report request so that it will be easy for you. 

We can even go through the process with them through Zoom, and a screen share, we’ll make it easy

I’m a bit embarrassed to share how poorly our company has been doing so far

We have seen companies in some of the worst conditions when we start out with them. Nothing can surprise us. 

I don’t know my own business’ goals, I’m not even sure where to start setting goals for the company

We start with some questions to get to know you, and guide you to making your own goals. We can start by looking at the financials and setting some initials goals to improve cash flow and go from there once you see what is possible. 

What if I change my mind on what goals we should set?

We can redo the goals as often as you want.

I don’t want to create more work for me. I’m already too busy.

Let’s make having less work on your plate one of the goals. Would you like more time with your family to be one of your goals? Would you like to make more time off one of your goals? Let’s get together and discuss what’s possible.

I’m really good at my business, but I’m not good at reading financials.

That’s ok. We will make it simple and easy for you, and you can continue doing what you’re good at. 

It’s a personalized report, and it will be done in a way that works for you. 

We will create an easy step by step method for what needs to be done next, and make sure you understand each step

I need more help than what can be done in a monthly meeting

You can email, text, or call any time

I can’t handle any more pressure. Is your program going to increase stress?

The goal is to reduce your stress. No pressure. Just ideas and thoughts and plans. We’ll adjust as we go along according to what works for you. 

We plant trees on behalf of each client each month. Your business matters!

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